Contentment In TImes Of Struggle
I wanted to take just a little bit of time to say how good God has been to my wife and I lately. Even though we have troubles and heartaches; even though not everything is perfect, God continues to bless us. He listens to our prayers and always pours out His love, mercy and grace on us. I strive to live the way Paul describes in Philippians 4:12.
"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want."
This is not easy, but I believe God truly wants us to be content in all circumstances, which kind of goes against my last post. I said then (and still feel now) that I am not content with my disobedience. How can I be content and discontented at the same time?
Well, even though I am troubled because I will not step into the life God has for me now, I find contentment in knowing that God is changing me. I am not settling for less then God’s best, but I can be content in knowing that it is God who will bring His will to pass in my life.
Does this make sense? It might not. Maybe there is a better way to say what I am trying to say. I dunno. I guess another way to put it is that I know there is more for me and I want it now. I know I can be a better man of God. I know that I struggle to get to where God wants me, but I also know I can have peace at the same time.
Till next time…
May God thoroughly bless your life!
In Christ,
Clint Herman
"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want."
This is not easy, but I believe God truly wants us to be content in all circumstances, which kind of goes against my last post. I said then (and still feel now) that I am not content with my disobedience. How can I be content and discontented at the same time?
Well, even though I am troubled because I will not step into the life God has for me now, I find contentment in knowing that God is changing me. I am not settling for less then God’s best, but I can be content in knowing that it is God who will bring His will to pass in my life.
Does this make sense? It might not. Maybe there is a better way to say what I am trying to say. I dunno. I guess another way to put it is that I know there is more for me and I want it now. I know I can be a better man of God. I know that I struggle to get to where God wants me, but I also know I can have peace at the same time.
Till next time…
May God thoroughly bless your life!
In Christ,
Clint Herman
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