My Prayer Time

I have felt compelled for some time to share my prayers and talks with God with others. That is what this blog is for, and I hope God belsses you with these words. Of course, I would love to hear from others as well.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

An Awesome Witness

What do you think the world would say if more Christians would share things like how they were delivered from drugs or healed from cancer or brought out of a financial crisis? Wow! How could a person ignore such an awesome testimony of God’s goodness, especially if that person was hearing these things from more than one Christian?

I meet so many Christians that seem to deny the power of God, not right out, but more subtly with their words and actions. And their lives seem to suffer from it. I freely admit I do this more often than I want. I’ve seen God do so many great things in my life over the years. I wonder how many more things I could share with others if I would have had the right attitude?

Another thing I don’t understand is when I do not share with others when God does great things in my life. Why would I want to hide something like this? Yet I do. I have done this more times than I can remember.

I hope that God would change me so that I would conduct myself in such a way as to honor God with my words and actions, and I hope he would change me so that I would not pass up the opportunity to share with other.

Read an awesome passage of Scripture by clicking the link above.

In Christ,


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