My Prayer Time

I have felt compelled for some time to share my prayers and talks with God with others. That is what this blog is for, and I hope God belsses you with these words. Of course, I would love to hear from others as well.

Monday, December 19, 2005

I called for prayer and got processed!

I do not like to complain (at least when I write), but I have to mention this. The other day my wife and I were made aware of someone in the family who was dying in the hospital. We began praying and sought out prayer from other. We emailed and called many people and places, including one very notable ministry. I won’t say who, but I will say they’ve been around for quite a while, are nationally known and you can often see the pastor of the church on TBN.

I called this ministry because I really liked the messages I heard over the last several months. I respected this man of God, and I still do respect him, but I don’t think I will ever call them again. I did get prayer when I called, but the woman prayed as if reading from a note card. She also asked me if I wanted to make a donation on behalf of the woman I was praying for, if I wanted to know about the benefits of partnership with the ministry and if I wanted to buy a healing tape. She did give me a couple of verses on healing.

All in all, I called for prayer and I got processed. I was very angry when I got off the phone, and I praise God He did not let me speak in anger toward the woman who took my phone call and that He has made it so that I have not spoken negative things about the man of God behind this ministry. Let no slander come from lips toward a man of God!

I don’t know. Maybe this woman really cared about the prayer she prayed. I’m still believing that God blessed it! It is sad that she spent more time processing me then she did praying for me. If God ever puts me in charge of a prayer phone line, a prayer forum or email service, a prayer chat service or in-person prayer ministry, I hope I never give in to the temptation of soliciting anything except for God’s love, grace and mercy to be poured out into the lives of those who seek prayer and in the lives of those who are being prayed for!

In Christ,
Clint Herman

God's Grace

4 But when the goodness and loving-kindness of God our Savior to man [as man] appeared… 6 Which He poured out [so] richly upon us through Jesus Christ our Savior. 7 [And He did it in order] that we might be justified by His grace (by His favor, wholly undeserved), [that we might be acknowledged and counted as conformed to the divine will in purpose, thought, and action], and that we might become heirs of eternal life according to [our] hope. - Titus 3:4,6-7 (AMP)

This is an awesome example of the grace of God. When I read this passage of Scripture, I see the undeniable willingness of God to give me everything He has in Christ.

Of course, I have a part to play. In exchange for God's riches in glory in Christ Jesus, I must give Him everything I have.

I try to always remember that God has made a blood covenant with me. I'm under the blood of Jesus and being under the blood means I am a covenant child of God Almighty - the Most High God!

In Christ,
Clint Herman