My Prayer Time

I have felt compelled for some time to share my prayers and talks with God with others. That is what this blog is for, and I hope God belsses you with these words. Of course, I would love to hear from others as well.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Be Strong Like the Eagle

I was listening to Joel Osteen yesterday and he mentioned something that was cool, something I did not know. He said that an eagle’s strength is found in its diet, that, as long as it is not in captivity, it only feeds on living food. Its diet is on the living and not the dead. Eagles are not like buzzards or vultures.

We are compared to an eagle in the Bible. See Psalm 103:5 and Isaiah 40:31. As an eagle, I need to make sure that I am on a steady diet of the living Word of God. I need to keep myself from taking in evil and negativity. After all, I believe we will become like that which we eat.

Be careful of what you let into your ears and eyes. Be careful of what you believe about yourself. Be in the Word and learn who you are in Christ.

In Christ,
Clint Herman

Wage War

I like 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. The primary reason I like this passage is because it paints a picture of battle and in my heart I truly want to fight the good fight of faith. This passage tells me 3 primary things:

1) I am to be offensive, meaning that I am to engage in battle.
2) I do not fight the way that those in the world fight.
3) When I choose to fight with the weapons of the Spirit, I have divine power.

What are the weapons of the Spirit? For me, some of them are: prayer, the Word of God, praising God, thanking God, the words we speak, the thoughts we think and the things we do.

Every time I engage in prayer or give praise or thanksgiving to God, I am waging war. When I speak words of faith derived from the Word of God, I am waging war. When I let love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control shine forth from me, I are waging war.

Is there really a war going on? Without a doubt I believe so. I am in a war and I wage war because there is something for me to fight for. I wage war because there is something waging war against me. I wage war because there is a war going on over the souls of mankind.

When do I wage war? It is my humble opinion that I should wage war all the time. If I am not waging war, then I am on the sidelines. If you are on the sidelines, then what are you doing with the new life that God has given you?

Wage war!

In Christ,
Clint Herman