My Prayer Time

I have felt compelled for some time to share my prayers and talks with God with others. That is what this blog is for, and I hope God belsses you with these words. Of course, I would love to hear from others as well.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

It Is NEVER Too Late!

I’m here to say to you and to me that it is never too late for God’s change to come. It is never too late too see the salvation of your loved ones. It is never too late.

There are several people on my prayer list and sometimes I feel like they will never change, that they will never call upon the name of the Lord, that their circumstances will never change. I bet many others feel the same way sometimes. But I’m here to say that this is a LIE straight from the mouth of Satan himself. It is never too late!

God’s mercy never ends. God’s grace is ALWAYS sufficient. God’s love extends to the ends of the universe. It doesn’t matter where a person is, what that person is doing, how they feel about God, if they are on drugs or even if they hate God. It doesn’t matter!

I will continue to pray for my family and believe that God’s touch is coming very soon. The Word says that today is the day of salvation and that God does not want anyone to perish. I will continue to pray that I will become more like Christ every day. I will trust in God.

Stand firm in your faith!

In Christ,
Clint Herman